Acoustic consultancy services
We provide professional advice to both private and public sector clients including developers, architects, planning consultants and other enablers in the construction sector. Our range of services extend across the life of any scheme, from the early planning stages, through design and construction, to completion testing and commissioning.
Examples of our services include:
- Environmental noise impact and planning assessments (NPPF, BS4142 etc);
- Management of construction noise and vibration, including assessment, monitoring, mitigation and s61 (CoPA) consents)
- Modelling and prediction of transportation and industrial noise;
- Acoustic design services for residential, commercial and industrial buildings, schools etc;
- Acoustic design of mechanical services systems;
- Environmental permitting (EPR) noise and vibration assessment;
- Vibration assessment (human vibration, building damage etc) and specification of mitigation measures;
- Entertainment licensing assessments;
- Noise at work assessments: Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2006